Monday, January 19, 2009

January 14th, 2009 It’s the Altitude

It’s been a few days since I have blogged…everything has just been extremely crazy! We are officially settled into our apartment, but we still do not have cable, telephone, or internet. We do have hot water though!!! We’ve had to go downstairs and take showers in the workout area. It hasn’t been too bad but the doors are transparent and there’s nothing blocking people from seeing in which is a problem. We’ve been going down two at a time making sure that no one comes around the corner and gets a free show haha!
I’m exhausted! We didn’t get home last night until really late because we met up with the people from the Peace Corp and had dinner. We had a really good time, they all seemed really cool. We are at the school basically all day, which is fine, but by the time we get home, we are extremely tired. We just made some lasagna and now we’re waiting for it to bake.
The school is very nice. My teacher, Carolina (Caro for short) is great! She’s very young and just got engaged (like everyone else I know ha). My students are sooo cute! I’m having the hardest time pronouncing their names though! I’ll eventually be able to say them…hopefully!
Anyways, I’ve got some things to do…everything is going well!!

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